skype udp

Use of the procedure described above is not limited to Skype and is known as "UDP hole punching". Other network services such as the Hamachi gaming VPN application, which relies on peer-to-peer communication between computers behind firewalls, u

相關軟體 Skype 下載

Skype是一款全球最多人使用的免費網路通話軟體,其最大的特色就是不但可以在skype上以即時訊息和朋友互動,也能透過網路連線,將電腦變成免費的網路電話!使用者只需要在聯絡人清單中找到欲通話的對象,並按下綠色的「通話」按鈕,即可輕鬆進行免費通話,聊到天亮都不用擔心電話費的問題噢! 如果各位使用者有使用過msn或是yahoo!及...

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  • Information kindly provided by GrahamN95 • Skype router and firewall port information The ... - Skype tcp/udp ports list
  • Use of the procedure described above is not limited to Skype and is known as "UDP hol...
    How Skype & Co. get round firewalls - The H Security: ...
  • When you install Skype to your computer, the application chooses at random a port ... port...
    How to Allow UDP in for Skype | Synonym
  • Typically, Skype uses UDP as its transport protocol. Skype typically uses a wide range of ...
    Skype - The Wireshark Wiki
  • The Skype protocol is a proprietary Internet telephony network based on peer-to-peer archi...
    Skype protocol - Wikipedia
  • I had a discussion with my friend. I believe that skype uses UDP. But he told that proxy d...
    Skype runs on TCP or UDP? And there something like in proxy ...
  • Communication between Skype clients may occur using SkypeUDP, which is an undisclosed prop...
    Skype's UDP Format · matthiasbock/OpenSkype Wiki · ...
  • I have a question about the skype protocol. Supposedly, according to wiki, the supernodes ...
    udp - Skype protocol and supernodes - Stack Overflow ...
  • Skype protocol is a peer-to-peer Internet telephony protocol used to move encrypted voice ...
    What is Skype protocol? - Definition from
  • Which ports need to be open to use Skype for Windows desktop? For Skype to work correctly,...
    Which ports need to be open to use Skype for Windows desktop ...
  • 443/TCP; 3478-3481/UDP; 49152-65535/UDP + TCP. If your firewall restricts access to these ...
    Which ports need to be open to use Skype for Windows desktop?
  • 與Skype 之呼叫建立與通話流程,進而探討兩者在多 ... SIP 和H.323 之協定架構,及Skype 與PSTN 之VoIP .... 作為連線替代,而UDP 使用的por...
    [PDF] Skype 與SIP 協定功能分析探討 - 亞東技術學院
  • 我的作法是, 封 UDP port 強迫 Skype 走 TCP port, 當網路流量忽高忽低時 這樣通話品質就會很差, 一句話斷三句, 然後大家就開始喂 喂 喂~ user 用...
    【求助】有沒有可以阻擋 SKYPE 的方法? - 第2頁 - PCZONE 討論區 ...
  • 請問各位大大: Skype是p2p 方式傳輸,鎖了所有的port還是會自動從80 port出,不過走80的效果真的很差,所以官網建議開放UDP PORT 給Skype ....
    【求助】關於防火牆開放skype的設定問題[論壇存檔] - PCZONE 討論區
  • 哪些埠需要打開用於Windows desktop Skype? Skype 能夠正常運行,以下埠需要在防火牆中打開︰. 443/TCP; 3478-3481/UDP; 49152-...
    哪些埠需要打開用於Windows desktop Skype? - Skype Support
  • UDP. 複寫到本機上的中央管理存放區資料庫複本適用的SQL 瀏覽器。 前端伺服器. 商務用Skype Server 前端服務. 5060. TCP. (選用) 由Standard...
    商務用Skype Server:內部伺服器的連接埠與通訊協定
  • 如果要使得语音质量更好一些,建议您最好打开您在Skype“ 选项” 下看到的指定端口的进入TCP 和UDP 访问。这个端口是在安装Skype 时随机选择的。 如果是 .....
    如果要使用Skype,公司内防火墙的哪些端口应该打开?_技术性问题_ ...